Obama Tramples the Constitution

Brian Hicks

Posted November 11, 2013

I’ve been giving some thought lately on what issues could possibly unite such a divided country.

I’m curious about the opinions and beliefs of other people, so I’ve been asking.

What I’m finding is, despite the divide on social issues, conservatives and moderate liberals might have something in common to fight for, something that’s increasingly slipping away each day…

I’m talking about freedom.

I’ve spoken to basically two kinds of Obama supporters. There are those who defend Obama, no matter how many scandals come about (I believe these are either low-information voters who don’t have all the facts, or people who only care about their president of choice staying in power); or they think it’s fine for government to lie for the greater good, and they want government to control their lives. These are the people who blame Bush, no matter the issue.

The second kind of Obama supporter is socially liberal, but fiscally concerned. These folks tend to be very conservative on spending; they expect personal responsibility from citizens, but they favor personal rights like legalized abortion, gay marriage, and so on. They seem to be more open to discussion and are more concerned with principles than politics.

So for all of the Democrats who espouse “open-mindedness,” let’s join together and fight for this country we love.

I recently saw this post on Facebook: “I love my country and fear my government.” I think that’s a pretty accurate representation of how people are starting to feel.

Indeed, a government — federal or state — that seizes journalists’ records without a warrant and dictates the size of soda you have a right to purchase is a government to be feared. Abuses and corruption happen under every administration, but Obama is taking tyranny to a new level — and moderate liberals are starting to take notice.

NSA Attacks!

Dan McCall, a graphic artist from Michigan, started selling t-shirts and bumper stickers with clever slogans after the National Security Agency (NSA) was caught spying on average citizens…

  • The NSA: the only part of the government that actually listens
  • Peeping While You are Sleeping
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Stupidity

In my view, these designs are a great way to peacefully protest. If you ask me, the government should be glad citizens are taking a light-hearted approach, instead of storming their buildings.

It turns out the government was not amused…

McCall sells his wares on Zazzle.com, CafePress.com, and on his own site, LibertyManiacs.com. The NSA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sent a letter to Zazzle.com demanding they cease selling the products.

According to McCall’s website:

The National Security Agency Act of 1959 that prohibits “use [of] the words ‘National Security Agency,’ the initials, ‘NSA,’ the seal of the National Security Agency, or any colorable imitation of such words … in connection with any merchandise, impersonation, solicitation, or commercial activity in a manner reasonably calculated to convey the impression that such use is approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency” without the permission of the Director of the NSA.

It’s pretty clear McCall did not violate this law, as he is mocking the agency — not trying to assume their official identity through merchandise.

The administration simply doesn’t like being criticized and is trying to shut him up.

McCall is suing the government for First Amendment violations. I hope he wins.

Also worth noting: U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham recently threatened to block the nomination of appointees, such as Obama’s pick to run the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen. Graham is protesting because the administration will not allow witnesses from the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, last year, to testify before Congress.

I suppose the administration would like everyone to think “it doesn’t matter,” as Hillary Clinton put it, but families of the four people killed during the attack and other freedom-loving Americans want to know.

Frankly, there is no reason witnesses cannot testify, but the administration has been trying to avoid the truth on this issue from the beginning.

I worked for a U.S. Senator who sat on the Intelligence Committee, and I know for a fact that people can testify while still maintaining anonymity. The Obama administration simply does not want the facts to come out; they are carefully guarding information.

FCC Pulls a Fast One

One of the most chilling acts of attempted censorship by Obama involves the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) newly sponsored survey of media outlets. The FCC will be sending out surveys to media outlets, asking them questions about the journalists’ point of view, news topic selection, questions, style, and many other questions.

Why is this happening?

In May, FCC Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn released this statement:

The FCC has a duty to make sure that the industries it regulates serve the needs of the American public no matter where they live or what financial resources they have. The research design we announce today is an important next step in understanding what those needs are, how Americans obtain the information critical to their daily lives in a dynamic technological environment, and what barriers exist in our media ecologies to providing and accessing this information.

I can’t stand the technical jargon, so I’ll break it down to help the flow of my point: In my words, “We feel it is our job to make sure all Americans, regardless of income, have access to information… and if they don’t, how can they get the information?”

What I want to know is how does this type of information released by the media relate to access?

And what is the government going to do if they are unhappy with their results? Is the content of information going to be regulated by the government?

If this isn’t scary enough, the FCC wants to delve into the personal information about journalists. The National Broadcasters Association (NBA) formally questioned these tactics in a document submitted to the FCC. The NBA stated:

The Research Design authors appear to understand at some level that journalists’ personal demographic data, as well as news judgment responses, may be difficult to collect. This might explain why they propose to use both front and backdoor routes to gathering this information. This “two strategy” formula relies on the FCC-sponsored researchers quietly “reaching out to acquaintances at news media properties” who may be “willing to provide demographic information about their respective property’s work force” that the outlet’s management may decline to provide. Such an approach is unseemly at best, and there is no reason to believe that it would produce data upon which the FCC could actually rely…

These sensitive issues prompt obvious questions about why the Commission feels the need to collect this personally intrusive information.

Translation: Why does the FCC need to know personal information about journalists? As well, why does the government have the right to question acquaintances of journalists when the journalists refuse to cooperate?

This could be enough to give the liberal media pause before fawning over Obama in the future…

United, We Conquer!

Americans like to complain about Congress and how they can’t get along.

In reality, the public is a direct reflection of Congress. We elect our representatives, and must take responsibility for putting them in office.

I think it’s time for Americans to set an example for Congress and pull together against the forces of socialism and big government. If we don’t come together as freedom-loving conservatives and liberals, what we believe will no longer matter — because we will be puppets of a cold, distant, and oppressive government (if we aren’t already).

It won’t matter if we disagree, because our opinions won’t be allowed, unless approved by the state.

If we are to save this country, we need to find some common ground, without sacrificing individual values…

While I’m a conservative (and that will never change), I’m also a career Republican. However, I’m willing to leave the party for an alternative if things don’t change. I’m tired of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and rabid liberals running the show. I left my religious denomination because they abandoned my values, and I’m willing to follow suit with my political party if necessary.

It’s time we band together as Americans and fight for our First Amendment rights and against the fleecing from gluttonous government workers — and for freedom in general.

So here’s my challenge to you: Find someone politically opposed to you, and find something in common.

The government wants to divide us, which is why they use heated rhetoric like “hate” if you simply disagree with someone’s lifestyle; they tell you that you have “crappy insurance,” so you will get on board with ObamaCare.

It’s brainwashing.

Our minds are being political manipulated not only by the government, but also by its Kool-Aid drinking minions, like Hollywood starlets.

The government doesn’t want you to think for yourself. They want you to obey. They want your Constitutional rights.

In the Bible, Mark 3:35 states, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand,” and that’s what they are counting on, division, so they can pick up the pieces when the house falls and manage our lives.

I’m not pledging to stop speaking out against liberal faction on many issues; on the contrary, I think debate is healthy. And in fact, I do not want this right taken away from me — or from my liberal counterparts.

Unless we stand together against the overreaching arm of Big Brother, we can wave freedom good-bye.

Voice your values…


Laura Woolfrey-Macklem for Wealth Daily

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